OEM/ODM China Rubber glove-household-L for Southampton Factory
Short Description:
Sanitation glove, made of 100% natrual latex, length 32-36cm, textured palm for anti-slip, waterproof, anti acid and alkali, non-toxic. Mainly used for food processing, hotels, family kitchen, etc. Color: red, yellow, orange, rose, nude, etc.
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owing to good service, a variety of high quality products, competitive prices and efficient delivery, we enjoy a good reputation among our customers. We are an energetic company with wide market. OEM/ODM China Rubber glove-household-L for Southampton Factory, "Passion, Honesty, Sound service, Keen cooperation and Development" are our goals. We are here expecting friends all over the world!
Sanitation glove, made of 100% natrual latex, length 32-36cm, textured palm for anti-slip, waterproof, anti acid and alkali, non-toxic.
Mainly used for food processing, hotels, family kitchen, etc. Color: red, yellow, orange, rose, nude, etc.
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Nano-Metre Industrial Ltd.
The Top 3 PPE Supplier In China
Polish Copper to an eye-tingling sheen! Works on Brass, Bronze tarnish too!
If you like shiny stuff, watch this and see how easy it is to shine metal with lemon and salt.
Notice that this time I used a fresh lemon, and that I wear my gloves. Always wear rubber gloves,kitchen gloves,hobby gloves, or even latex gloves when polishing to stop your nails and cuticles being torn to shreds!
This is what our milk can looks like
with the copper bits on it!
Turn on the light…
I don’t know
Can you even see that its got copper
Hey! I’m going to clean this!
You can see its…
I’ve got all that to clean!
Here we are in the kitchen!
I can bend down if you can’t see me.
But, maybe you don’t want to see me!
Yeah! That’s what it is, lemon
I put lemon all over the copper
Oh and it just loves it doesn’t it
Look, sitting there smiling at me!
Ooh, I love lemon!
Yep! I use salt too!
and that’s my salt shaker
its really big and it
looks really good with salt and lemon!
so, ummm.
Doesn’t that piece of copper look happy today!
It does.
Yeah, that’s looking good already, too.
Ok, let’s put a bit more salt on it
and let it set while I go and, huh
go and relax…
Hey, let’s rinse that off and see how it looks.
I showed you my lamp and this is a dirty,
a dirty copper piece of it
and this is a clean one!
One I’ve cleaned with lemon and salt.
You can really tell the difference
especially if you look at this knob on the top.
and the knob on the cleaned one.
It’s such a difference isn’t it!
But, look at that, just from salt and lemon!
It’s fantastic! Thanks for watching me clean.
Clean the shiny knob…
Thanks for watching me clean with
Lemon and Salt!
this is good for most things
it’s good for lamps and crowns, glasses, masks and moustaches
So if you have a copper moustache or crown or eye goggles
this is how you can clean them!
Hi, It’s Sprig Barton
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As you know, polish copper can be said in many ways as can
rubber gloves, قفازات مطاطية, des gants en caoutchouc, Gummihandschuhe, ゴム手袋, 橡胶手套, guanti di gomma, Перчатки резиновые, guantes de goma, λαστιχένια γάντια, रबर के दस्ताने, rubberen handschoenen,
polish copper, طلاء النحاس, cuivre poli, Lack Kupfer, ポリッシュ銅, 波兰铜, rame polacco, польский меди, cobre pulido, Πολωνικά χαλκού, पोलिश तांबा, polish koper,
clean copper, النحاس نظيفة, cuivre propre, Reinkupfer, きれいな銅, 干净的铜, rame pulito, чистая медь, cobre limpio, καθαρό χαλκό, शुद्ध तांबे, schoon koper,
Polish polacco, Польский латунь, Latón polaco, Πολωνικά ορείχαλκο, पोलिश पीतल, Poolse koperen,
clean brass, نحاس نظيفة, laiton propre, sauber Messing, きれいな真鍮, 清洁黄铜, ottone pulito, чистая латунь, latón limpio, καθαρό ορείχαλκο, स्वच्छ पीतल, schoon messing, brass, نحاس البولندية, Laiton polonais, Polnisch Messing, ポーランド真鍮, 波兰铜, Ottone