Factory Supplier for 26″ Industrial rubber glove-rough finish Porto Manufacturer

Short Description:

26″ length (65-67cm), black, rough finish, seamless, no cotton lining, left/right hand, 700g/pair, cuff perimeter:61cm, double layer thickness:2.2mm. 50 pairs/case, carton size: 74*36*44cm. Net weight: 35kg/case, gross weight: 37kg/case. It can be suitable used with sand blasting machine operation.

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We believe that long term partnership is a result of high quality, value added service, rich experience and personal contact for better understanding of our customers' requirements.
Factory Supplier for 26″ Industrial rubber glove-rough finish Porto Manufacturer, If you are interested in any of our products and services, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are ready to reply you within 24 hours after receipt of your request and to create mutual un-limited benefits and business in near future.

26″ length (65-67cm), black, rough finish, seamless, no cotton lining, left/right hand, 700g/pair, cuff perimeter:61cm, double layer thickness:2.2mm. 50 pairs/case, carton size: 74*36*44cm. Net weight: 35kg/case, gross weight: 37kg/case. It can be suitable used with sand blasting machine operation.

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    Cheat – MannRobics Taunt, highfive taunt, skullcracker taunt (TF2), strange lurkers leathers, colonels coat, team captain, fancy fedora, das gutenkutteharen, frenchmans formals, cute suit, last breath. vintage merryweather, i see you, boston breakdance, battin a thousand, meet the medic, results are in. (10x stranges), stabbed to hell knife, texas tech hand engineer set, half pipe hurdler, triggermans tacticals, whirly warrior, towoomba, cool breeze, cuban bristle, 10 more spy knives, tavish crown, king of scotland cape, breakneck baggies, strange medi, killstreak air strike, strange botkiller knife, maul, harmburg, viva la france, forest fire, night owl, widowmaker, coffin, “unicorn blowjob”, robot running man, air raider, human cannonball, boulshevik biker, federal casemaker.
    bone dome, medical mystery, backwards ballcap, big daddy, scarecrow, spectre’s spectacles, big chief, frenchman’s formals, purity fist, strange huo long heater, strange natasha, strange “i cant aim”, batallians backup, smokey sombrero, 6 cheap csgo skins, hot dogger, two halloween enchants, frenchman beret.

    Xenchai – Magnum donk/nasty noorseman, surgeon’s sidearms.

    Airplane – Tyloreon, Physicial mask, das “feeling better”, strange stat clock macabre web scattergun,
    villains veil, vintage stovepipe, track terrorizor, tipped lid, quakenbirdt, ground control, medic beard, green essential accessories, green superfan, strange airstrike, hdmi patch, bolted bompardier, mann of the house, wide brimmed bandito, corpus cristi cranium, el paso poncho, grimm hat, full of bullets, blighted beats, heros hachimaki, razor cut, grenadiers softcap, chieftians challenge,
    Peachy – Festive Ambasador, “lick my balls mharti” Strange knife, killer kabuto, heavy duty rag, 70s chapeau, large luchadore (but ramses is not dancing), cold war luchador, thermal tracker, excorcisor, heavy weight champ, builder’s blueprints, rat stomperse, coffin, beret, wing mann.
    Bigfoot – Bills Hat (White), strange festive bonk, tracksuit, masque, (like 20 payday skins)

    LaserBlaster – Strange Pomson, Strange Black Box, Strange Spooktacles, lil bitey, unusual rubber glove aces high, gift wrap

    Pootis Bird – Strange Rust Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I

    TrOxehh_ – Shit Ton Of Crates

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