13 Years Factory wholesale 12″ rubber glove with cotton linning-rough finish for Denmark
Short Description:
Heavy duty rubber glove, made of 100% natural latex. 12″ length(31cm), rough finish, seamless, cotton lining, left/right hand, 210g/pair, 120pairs/case. Using for Isolater, dry box, blast cabinet, glove box, etc.
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We always think and practice corresponding to the change of circumstance, and grow up. We aim at the achievement of a richer mind and body and the living , and contribute to the society. 13 Years Factory wholesale 12″ rubber glove with cotton linning-rough finish for Denmark, We warmly welcome customers from all over the world for any kind of cooperation with us to build a mutual benefit future. We are devoting ourselves wholeheartedly to offer customers the best service.
Heavy duty rubber glove, made of 100% natural latex.
12″ length(31cm), rough finish, seamless, cotton lining, left/right hand, 210g/pair, 120pairs/case.
Using for Isolater, dry box, blast cabinet, glove box, etc.
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